20 Amazing Conversation Starters for Your Honeymoon

Calling all honeymooners and newlyweds! Spark a meaningful conversation with your new spouse as you enjoy your honeymoon. Choose from both sexy questions and non-sexy questions alike! These honeymoon questions are pulled from our favorite marriage conversation starters for newlyweds on the Gather app!

10 Questions for Newlyweds on Your Honeymoon:

  1. What is one word you'd use to describe me on our wedding day?

  2. What was your first impression of my family?

  3. How did your family react when you told them you were getting married to me? How did your friends react?

  4. What's something new we should try together?

  5. What has been your favorite date night so far of our entire relationship?

  6. What’s a tradition we should start in our marriage?

  7. What is one thing you’re already loving about marriage?

  8. If you could commission a piece for our home, what would you create and why?

  9. What does success mean to you in the context of our marriage?

  10. What is a small seed we could plant today that could grow into a large tree in the future?

10 Sexy Honeymoon Questions to Get The Sparks Flying

  1. What edible item would you incorporate into our sex life?

  2. If we had to have sex in public today, where would you go and what would you do to me?

  3. What's the craziest role-play you've tried?

  4. What movie scene is a total turn on for you? Why does it turn you on?

  5. What's your stance on making a sex tape?

  6. What part of your body do you wish I'd pay more attention to?

  7. What furniture item should we have sex on next?

  8. Have you ever caught someone else having sex? Tell the story.

  9. What are you weirdly turned on by?

  10. What's something you really wish I'd wear?

Keep these honeymoon conversation starters nearby so you can start a sexy conversation with your new spouse! Congratulations, newlyweds!

If you liked these honeymoon conversation starters, you can get endless conversation starters and questions for newlyweds and married couples on the Gather app - only available on iOS!

Madison McClung