Questions to ask before getting married

Ah, the honeymoon stage. The time in your relationship where love and endorphins cloud judgement, and your world is lit by the afterglow of an endless sunset. Only the thing is, it’s not endless. Many couples find that once their honeymoon stage fades, they’re left with little foundation to build a lasting relationship. While the honeymoon stage is an incredible part of any relationship, it’s important to spark conversations about your expectations for the future, so you can happily turn that beautiful LOVE story of yours into a lasting LIFE story together.

We’ve pulled some of the top questions from our “questions to ask before getting married” conversation on the Gather app, so you can spark some intentional conversations about the future of your relationship. These questions will help lay a foundation, but they’re also a gateway to spark more intimacy with your partner. Think of these questions as the groundwork in building your life together, so once you’re ready to take that next step, the road is already paved for you!

Important Questions to ask before getting married

Some topics to cover before getting married or taking the next step in a relationship:

  1. Do you want to have kids? If so - When? How many? If we can't have kids, would you want to try IVF or adopt?

  2. What are your thoughts on disciplining kids? In your opinion, what is okay and not okay?

  3. If I was given an incredible opportunity that required us to move in the future, would you be open?

  4. What religious or spiritual beliefs matter most to you? Do you make choices based on them? What if we differ?

  5. How much time would you like for us to spend with your parents/siblings in the future? What would holidays look like?

  6. What political beliefs matter most to you? What happens if we differ on these beliefs?

  7. When it comes to finances, do you imagine one of us will pay more, or we'll split? What level of financial access would we give each other?

  8. Looking forward, what are the top three things you imagine we'd spend money on?

  9. How do you see travel unfolding in the future? How often do you foresee us traveling for fun? What about traveling for work?

  10. Are there any cultural traditions that you feel strong about keeping or implementing into our life in the future?


If you liked these, get the full conversation on the Gather app, plus hundreds of couples questions for dating, weddings, honeymoons, & more!

Madison McClung