Dinner Questions & Conversation Starters for Teens

Get to know your teens with the help of dinner conversations!

Written by our Gather teen ambassador, Noor Skhiri

Are you having trouble starting a dinner conversation with your teens? Instead of badgering teenagers about questions regarding school and grades, which you and I both know can get boring and plain, you can get to know your teens on a deeper level with these dinner questions. You will make your teens feel like you are actively trying to be a part of their lives, and these conversation starters can make your future dinners with teens more enjoyable!

Dinner questions for teens

Great dinner questions & conversation starters for teens:

  1. Name one quality about yourself or your family that you’d like to finally embrace, rather than resist.

  2. In your opinion, what’s the difference between confidence and arrogance?

  3. Share a time when someone said something untrue about you. How did it make you feel?

  4. How do you think the people who REALLY know you feel about you? How would they describe you?

  5. What are four things you’re grateful for, right here and right now?

  6. Talk about a time that you went against what society or others were expecting of you. How did you feel? Tell the story. 

  7. For you, what does it mean to be your best self? What would that look like?

  8. What is something you feel you can do “better” than others, or something you have noticed that you have a particular flair for?

  9. What is a powerful gift that YOU have? What is a unique personality trait or talent of yours?

  10. Share one lasting and vivid memory you have from earlier in your life. 

If you liked these dinner conversation starters with teens, try the Gather conversation app for thousands of great conversation starters and party questions - recently featured as App of the Day only available on iOS!

Madison McClung