Spooky Conversation Starters to Spark Vulnerability

It’s spooky season.

The time of year where it’s okay to talk about fear, death, and all things creepy-crawley. While these topics are taboo throughout the rest of the year, October is the time to let it all out there! This also makes it a great month to practice vulnerability.

Speaking of spooky, vulnerability sounds scary to many people. What’s the deal with that?

Experts in the field of communication claim that vulnerability is a crucial component for clarity, authenticity, and belonging in relationships.

Vulnerability, as defined by expert Dr. Brené Brown, is "uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure.” No wonder it’s rare in relationships! It can be scary, awkward, and just plain icky to put yourself out there.

So, how do we gather the courage to be vulnerable? And, how can we inspire our kids to do the same?

One awesome thing about being vulnerable is that it welcomes reciprocity. So, when you open up, other people will want to as well!

This Halloween, spark a conversation about your fears and strengths with your loved ones. Show them that it’s okay to be open with one another. Here are some Halloween-themed questions to help you embrace the spooky ghost of vulnerability!

Spooky Vulnerability Questions for Kiddos:

What is something you are scared of?

What is something you used to be scared of, but you aren’t anymore?

When was a time that you were brave?

Spooky Vulnerability Questions for Grown-ups:

What is an irrational fear you have?

What is something you’re weirdly unafraid of?

What is something that makes you nervous (and gives you the creepy crawlies) to talk about?

What is something you’re scared to reach for?

In what area of your life do you need to dust off the cobwebs?

Try more conversations like these on the Gather app! We have a list of fun Halloween conversations as part of our epic conversation library.

Or, read about how Longwalks helps you practice vulnerability.

Madison McClung